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Winter 2000/01 former semesters

Students who are interested in participating in these courses have to contact the instructors before-hand (some of the courses come with preceding reading assignments).

RandAlgs  Randomized Algorithms
E. Welzl
(Mo&Tu, Oct 23 - Nov 24, 2000)

Randomized algorithms have by now emerged in many fields, and have lead to several improvements compared to deterministic methods. We will discuss several basic methods in several areas, including graph algorithms and geometry, approximate counting and solving of hard problems (e.g. SAT). The emphasis will be on understanding of the basic methods, so that they can be applied in several situations.

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CombGeom  Combinatorial Geometry
K. Fukuda, J. Richter-Gebert
(Th&Fr, Oct 23 - Nov 24, 2000)

Geometric objects (like polytopes or arrangements of hyperplanes) carry two layers of information. First of all they are described by the coordinates of the parts involved. On the other hand there is also a combinatorial description that cares only about the relative position of the elements. This lecture is about the subtle interplay of coordinates and combinatorics. We introduce the theory of oriented matroids as the primary framework for the study. This theory allows us to get deep structural insight in topics like polytope theory, linear optimization, automatic geometric theorem proving, quasicrystals and many more.

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GraphVis  Advanced Topics in Vision and Graphics
L. van Gool, M. Gross, R. Peikert, B. Schiele, G. Székely
(Mo&Tu, Jan 8 - Feb 9, 2001)

Although being two separate disciplines we observe that Graphics and Vision are increasingly converging. Independently developed methods and algorithms are being combined and merged into sophisticated frameworks covering a wide range of applications. In this course we will present a selection of advanced topics in Vision and Graphics illustrating the tight relationship between the two disciplines. We will discuss recent research results and developments in both areas with a special emphasis on modeling and geometry. Topics include the notion of invariance, methods for 3D reconstruction, learning and statistical modeling, mesh signal processing, image based rendering, deformable templates and FEM. The course will be organized into separate modules each of which consists of lectures and practical or theoretical exercises.

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ApproxAlgs  Approximation: Theory and Algorithms
J. Blömer, M. Cochand, B. Gärtner,
P. Widmayer
(Th&Fr, Jan 8 - Feb 9, 2001)

This course is concerned with approximation algorithms for NP-hard optimization problems. The topics covered include: basic and advanced approximation algorithms for selected problems; more general techniques such as linear programming relaxation, derandomization, and semidefinite programming; inapproximability and the PCP concept.

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Former semesters

Last modified on 2001-04-05 18:45:27 by Sven Schoenherr <sven@inf.ethz.ch>      Copyright © 2000-2001 CGC
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