The Volumetric Cutting Plane Method for Convex Programming

By Kurt Anstreicher

Abstract. We consider a simplified and strengthened version of Vaidya's volumetric cutting plane method for finding a point in a convex set tex2html_wrap_inline15 . At each step the algorithm has a system of linear inequality constraints which defines a polyhedron tex2html_wrap_inline17 , and an interior point tex2html_wrap_inline19 . The algorithm then either drops one constraint, or calls an oracle to check if tex2html_wrap_inline21 , and if not obtain a new constraint that separates x from C. Following the addition or deletion of a constraint, the algorithm takes a small number of Newton steps for the volumetric barrier tex2html_wrap_inline27 . Progress of the algorithm is measured in terms of changes in tex2html_wrap_inline27 . The algorithm is terminated when either it is discovered that tex2html_wrap_inline21 , or tex2html_wrap_inline27 becomes large enough to demonstrate that the volume of C must be below some prescribed amount. The complexity of the algorithm compares favorably with that of the ellipsoid method, especially in terms of the number of calls to the separation oracle. Compared to Vaidya's original analysis, we decrease the maximum number of constraints used to define P from tex2html_wrap_inline39 to 200n. We also consider a ``central cut" version of the algorithm that reduces the maximum number of constraints to 25n.

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