Combinatorics and Topology of Graph Properties

Anders Björner
Department of Mathematics
Royal Institute of Technology
S-10044 Stockholm, Sweden

Consider the family $\Delta^P_n$ of all graphs with nodes $\{1,2,\dots,n\}$ having a certain property P. If the property P is monotone (meaning stable under removal of edges) then $\Delta^P_n$ can be thought of as an abstract simplicial complex. Namely, the vertex set of $\Delta^P_n$ consists of all ${n}\choose{2}$ pairs $\{i,j\}$ of nodes, and a collection of such pairs form a simplex if the corresponding edges determine a graph with property P.

It turns out that several graph properties P exhibit interesting topological structure via the complex $\Delta^P_n$, and that questions about such complexes arise in several mathematical contexts. In the lecture I will give a survey of results of this type from the last few years. The areas where questions about the topology of such graph properties arise include complexity theory, reliability theory, knot theory, commutative algebra and combinatorial geometry.

Also, monotone properties of directed graphs and of hypergraphs will be discussed. No previous knowledge of the area will be assumed.

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