Inner diagonals of convex polytopes by David Bremner, Department of Mathematics, University of Washington Abstract: An {\it inner diagonal} of a polytope $P$ is a segment that joins two vertices of $P$ and that lies, except for its ends, in $P$'s relative interior. A tantalizing conjecture due to von Stengel claims that among simple $d$-polytopes with $2d$ facets, the maximum number of inner diagonals is achieved by a $d$-cube. In this talk I will present a characterization of the maximum and minimum number of inner diagonals achievable in 3 dimensions for fixed numbers of vertices or facets. I will also present partial results in higher dimensions, including an interesting relationship to Kalai's new proof (based on rigidity of graphs) of the Lower Bound Theorem. This is joint work with Victor Klee.