Winter 2002/03 other semesters
courses in Berlin

Pre-Doc Courses

RandAlgs  Randomized Algorithms
E. Welzl, B. Gärtner, U. Wagner
(Mo&Tu, Oct 21 - Nov 22, 2002)

Randomized algorithms have by now emerged into many fields, and have lead to several improvements and simplifications compared to deterministic methods. We will discuss applications in several areas, including optimization, approximate counting and solving of hard problems (e.g. SAT). The emphasis will be on understanding of the basic methods, so that they can be applied in several situations.

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ApproxAlgs  Approximation: Theory and Algorithms
J. Blömer, M. Cochand,
T. Erlebach, B. Gärtner, A. Steger, P. Widmayer
(Th&Fr, Oct 21 - Nov 22, 2002)

This course is concerned with approximation algorithms for NP-hard optimization problems. The topics covered include: basic and advanced approximation algorithms for selected problems; more general techniques such as linear programming relaxation and derandomization; inapproximability and the PCP concept.

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GeomMod  Surface Representations and Geometric Modeling
M. Gross
(Mo&Tu, Jan 6 - Feb 7, 2003)

Recent advances in 3D digital geometry processing have created a plenitude of novel concepts for the mathematical representation and interactive manipulation of graphics models. This course covers some of the latest developments in geometric modelling and surface representations. The first part of the course will revisit traditional methods, such as splines and NURBS, and will introduce the basic notions of differential geometry. The second part of the course will address more recent developments in geometry processing including subdivision, smoothing, geometric filtering, and wavelets.

The course topics presented will include:

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PosGames  Positional Games and Algorithms
J. Beck (Rutgers University, USA)
(Th&Fr, Jan 6 - Feb 7, 2003)

In the last few years I keep writing a book entitled `positional games', which would be the first book on the subject. `Positional games' is completely different from both the traditional Neumann-type ``game theory" and the Berlekamp-Conway-Guy type ``Nim-like games" (see the well-known 2-volumed `Winning Ways' of the three authors). Positional games' is about `Tic-Tac-Toe-like' board games, and is closely related to Ramsey theory, Matching theory and the Erdös-type ``probabilistic method" (see the well-known book of Alon-Spencer). The winning and drawing strategies are effective potential function algorithms: this explains the word `algorithms' in the title. This is a brand new subject which is full of exciting open problems.

The list of the subjects that we are going to cover is (1) Tic-Tac-Toe-like games, Ramsey games, game-graph and game-tree, pairing strategy, potential functions, (2) Game-theoretic first moment method, (3) Game-theoretic second moment method, (4) Graph games and random graphs, (5) Tic-Tac-Toe in higher dimensions, (6) Algorithmic and game-theoretic Lovasz Local Lemma, complexity problems.

Prerequisites: Almost nothing -- it is a self-contained course, but a knowledge of the simplest concepts of combinatorics, and reasonable problem-solving skills are expected. No textbook is available: I am going to give hand-outs and problem-sheets.

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CompVis  Selected Topics in Computer Vision
L. van Gool, B. Schiele, G. Székely
(Th&Fr, Jan 6 - Feb 7, 2003)

The class covers various fundamental as well as advanced techniques in computer vision. A particular emphasis is on visual object recognition using different approaches. Two alternative schools are described and compared: appearance vs. model based. These are complemented with novel, hybrid solutions, built upon invariance theory. A second emphasis is on techniques to characterize object shape and binary scenes. Basic concepts of topology and metrics on discrete image rasters are investigated. Time permitting, several learning techniques in the context of visual recognition are discussed.

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Other Courses related to CGC

Graph Theory  
T. Szabó
(We 13-15, IFW B42 [Exercises: We 15-16, IFW B42])

This course is an introduction to the theory of graphs intended for students in mathematics and computer science/engineering students with an interest in theory. We start from basic definitions and examples, but hope to move on quickly and cover a broad range of topics. Some applications and relations to Computer Science will also be discussed. Emphasis will be given to reading, understanding and developing proofs. There is no prerequisite, other than basic mathematics introduced in the Grundstudium. Possible topics include: degrees, paths, trees, cycles, Eulerian circuits, bipartite graphs, extremality, matchings, connectivity, network flows, vertex and edge colorings, Hamiltonian cycles and planarity.

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Algorithmen für Kommunikationsnetze (in German)  
T. Erlebach
(Mo 10-12, ETZ F91 [Exercises: We 15-17, ETZ F91])

Der Kurs stellt Techniken für den Entwurf und die Analyse von Algorithmen vor, die insbesondere für Anwendungen in Kommunikationsnetzen nützlich sind. Behandelt werden Grundlagen zu Algorithmen und Graphen (Spannbäume, kürzeste Pfade, Flussprobleme), effiziente Algorithmen für optimal lösbare Probleme (Multicast in WDM-Netzen, Min-Cut-Berechnung, Ausfallsicherung von Netzen), effiziente Datenstrukturen (IP Prefix Lookup), Approximationsalgorithmen für Netzwerkoptimierungsprobleme (Spanner, Lastbalancierung in Ringen, Wellenlängenzuteilung in WDM-Netzen) und Online-Algorithmen, die trotz fehlenden Wissens über die Zukunft beweisbar gute Entscheidungen treffen (Zugangskontrolle in QoS-Netzen).

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WEB Algorithms   
P.Penna, K. Schlude, R. Wattenhofer,
P. Widmayer
(We 13-15, IFW A32 [Exercises: We 15-16, IFW A34])

The goal of the course is to understand the main algorithmic issues and techniques related to the Web*. Traditionally an "algorithm" is a computational procedure that takes an input and produces an output. A "Web algorithm" is different because the Web is distributed and dynamically changing. More importantly, not all entities in the Web cooperate; some act selfishly and spontaneously. How much performance is lost because of this? And what can we do about it? To answer these questions, we need a theoretical model for the Web that describes how the participating entities interact and react to a changing situation.

We discuss recent advances in this new research area that highlights links between different research topics such as Game Theory, Economy, Web Research, and Theoretical Computer Science. One of the goals of this course is to provide different perspectives for a problem. Towards this end we will consider routing, networking, and graphs problems in different settings. For instance:

Online algorithms capture the lack of performance due to uncertainty about the future: e.g. we need to decide how to route a stream of packets without knowledge of future routing requests.

Algorithms for selfish agents study how to design a protocol in the case where agents that implement the protocol may follow their own interests, and tune the parameters of the protocol for their own benefit: e.g. what happens if a selfish Internet user increases her TCP window size to get more throughput?

*Remark: In this announcement we use a generic term "Web" for all layers of the Internet: From basic router protocols to applications such as the World Wide Web.

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Other semesters

Winter 2000/01 , Summer 2001 , Winter 2001/02 , Summer 2002

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